Inspired by nature and in recognition of travel’s opportunity to help when it comes to our climate, Socompa Adventure Travel is joining Tomorrow’s Air, supporting climate action education and accelerating the development of carbon removal with permanent storage.
We learned that alongside conventional carbon offsetting and natural climate solutions, new carbon removal and storage approaches are also needed to help us clean up the trillion tons of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The reality is that even if all carbon dioxide emissions were to halt completely right now, Earth’s warming would continue due to the high levels of carbon dioxide already stored in
the atmosphere. The only way to permanently reverse warming is through carbon removal.
Therefore, beginning in January 2023, Socompa Adventure Travel is incorporating a $10 contribution to Tomorrow’s Air into all its trips. Socompa traveler contributions support:
● Inspiring traveler education about meaningful climate action
● An order for 10kgs carbon to be removed and permanently stored How It Works The Tomorrow’s Air portfolio of carbon removal innovators includes pioneering companies selected for their technical and hybrid nature-tech solutions that can help restore our climate: direct air capture company Climeworks and Pacific Biochar.
Traveler contributions support climate conscious travel education and directly fund carbon removal provided by these companies.
With direct air capture, carbon collectors capture carbon dioxide from ambient air. Air is drawn into the collector with a fan, and adheres to a filter within the collector. Once the filter is saturated, the collector is closed, and the temperature is increased, releasing pure carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, just as a soda machine makes sparkling water.