Dimensions: Social, Economic & Enviromental
We embrace sustainability as a key to our future and therefore are committed to protect the environment of the amazing and untouched regions where we travel.
We respect the different local legislations in regards to Protected Areas, Natural Reserves, National Parks, RAMSAR Sites and any other local, state and national environmental legislation.
Socompa is a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism and also of the Women Empowerment Principles of the UN Global Compact currently undergoing action plans.
We are also contributors of the Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATFC) supporting conservation efforts across the globe and the collective Tomorrow´s Air.
Sustainability Measures
- Our company’s team of guides educate our guests to travel responsibly, every traveler must bring their own reusable water bottle or we can supply it and they can leave it for the community after the tour.
- We refill water for the tour and have installed filters in Hostería El Peñón, the lodge we manage in the desert at 3400 meters above sea level.
- In the office we minimize and recycle our use of paper and cardboard. Our booking system is paperless and, where possible, all records are kept on computer systems rather than paper files.
We limit the size of our groups to minimise environmental and social impact, especially in the high altitude desert.
- In our choice of services we ensure to support local economies and contribute to create awareness in regards to the protection of the fragile Puna ecosystems.
- We are extremely strict as to where our vehicles can be taken off road. Any driving on the remote territories of the Puna is done very carefully to avoid damaging sensitive eco-system.
- Other off-road routes are always along previously man-made tracks and never across un-broken virgin land. Local consent and advice are always obtained before driving off road.

Women Empowerment Principles
Action Plan
- We offer training opportunities for professional development of all the womenwho work within the Group.
- Design of a Microcredit Program for the development of sustainable tourism services that favor theempowerment of women, especially in communities with greater vulnerability.
- Provide training to women guides, not only in driving practice, but also in knowledge of Adventure Tourism Guiding Standards.
- Our Board of directors is committed with the goal of encouraging more women to lead in the different areas of the Company and business units.
- SocompaLab the consulting area of the company is creating awareness on women empowerment, prevention of violence and discrimination agains women and breaking of barriers for female leadership.

Leave Your +Trace
Pachamama Pledge
As part of our waste management program: Leave your +trace, we collect cans and PVC bottles on the natural sites of the trips at every opportunity.
We also carry special bags in our trucks to help clean the natural environment by bringing plastic waste to the city where it can be recycled.
Travellers are invited to contribute with the plogging activity if they wish and to learn about the cultural traditions of the Andes linked to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) taking action to travel responsibly seeking genuine human conections.

“You are earth, take root, build, give.
You are water, cry, clean, flow. You are air,
be calm, focused, determinated.
You are fire, burn, illuminate, ignite”.
Popular phrase to honor Pachamama